• If your gums are pink and firm. Your gums should be light pink in color. White or very pale gums may be a sign of anemia.
  • If they don’t bleed when you brush or floss. Blood on your toothbrush or in the sink is an indication that biofilm plaque, a sticky infectious film which forms when sugar and starches interact with bacteria, is building up at the gum line. If not removed with frequent brushing and flossing, it can harden and become tartar, loosening the teeth and resulting in gingivitis, the initial stage of infectious gum disease.
  • If there is a snug fit between your teeth and your gums. If you notice that your teeth have begun to loosen from the gums and the teeth appear longer, it is an indication that bacteria is collecting in the alveolar socket. As the disease progresses, the bacteria enter the tissue and erode the bones in the jaw, loosening the teeth. You now have periodontitis, an advanced form of infectious gum disease. At this point, serious home care and dental treatment are essential in order to save your teeth.
  • If you get a clean bill of health from your dental professional. Gum disease can sneak up on you, especially if the early signs are ignored. Regular twice-yearly dental check-ups will ensure that any disease process will be caught and addressed early. Your dentist will also check your tongue and other oral structures for signs of a possible health issue which could require a follow-up with your physician.

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